Importers of fossil motor fuels are required to compensate a certain amount of the CO2 emissions caused by transport. They may carry out their own projects or acquire attestations.
CO2 emissions from fossil motor fuels must be partially offset. Importers of petrol, diesel, natural gas and kerosene that exceed the threshold of 1,000 t CO2 are required to compensate for their emissions. They may group together to form compensation pools. Compensation costs may not exceed 5 centimes per litre of motor fuel.
Compensations carried out by 2021
The proportion of CO2 emissions from transport to be offset (compensation rate) is defined in the CO2 Ordinance as follows:
- 12 % for 2021
- 17 % for 2022
- 20 % for 2023
- 23 % from 2024
The compensation rate in Switzerland is set at at least 15% from 2022.
Importers with an obligation to compensate have several options available:
- Issuance of attestations for compensation projects in Switzerland and abroad;
- Issuance of attestations for over-fulfilment achieved between 2013 and 2021 by companies with a reduction commitment (for exemption from the CO2 levy) or a target agreement with the federal government.
Further information
Foundation for Climate Protection and Carbon Offset (KliK)
Last modification 11.07.2022