Natural hazards: Monitoring programmes

The FOEN is involved in different monitoring programmes in the area of natural hazards. The data recorded from these measurements are used, inter alia, to verify the existing hazard fundamentals and further improve it.

Permafrost monitoring

Intensive research on permafrost in the mountains has only been carried out for a few decades. Switzerland is currently participating in various projects which estimate and observe the occurrence of permafrost, inter alia in the Swiss permafrost monitoring network PERMOS.

Landslide monitoring

The monitoring of endangered slopes is one possible measure for providing protection against landslides. The FOEN uses the very latest methods for monitoring slopes, for example radar interferometry. This enables the identification of sliding masses and the magnitude of the sliding motion.

Monitoring earthquake activity

The main tasks of the Swiss Seismological Service (SED) include the monitoring of earthquake activity in Switzerland and neighbouring regions. The FOEN contributes to this activity through the updating of the measurement infrastructure.

Further information


Last modification 05.11.2018

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