Water: Geodata and maps

Links to geodata sets (catchment area structure, watercourse typology, flow maps, etc.), survey maps (water protection, groundwater and hydrogeological maps), specific studies and the map portals of the Hydrological Atlas (HADES) and “Topic Water” at map.geo.admin.ch.

The FOEN publishes many maps and geodata sets on the topic of water. Many of them can be viewed on the FOEN map portal. A few of them are described in greater detail and can be downloaded as geodata sets for personal use.

Water: Geodata

Here you can find FOEN geodata on water.

Maps and evaluations

Maps and evaluations based on geodata on the topic of water as well as links to other cantonal map portals.

Geodata models

Geodata models for the FOEN’s official geodata on the topic of Water

Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland HADES

The Hydrological Atlas of Switzerland HADES is a collaborative work by Swiss hydrological agencies (federal offices, cantons, research institutions and private specialist offices in the water sector). For more than 30 years, it has made basic hydrological information, specialised knowledge and didactic media available to a wide range of users. The Atlas comprises the original map series of 63 printed plates, and a wide range of more recent products. These are accessible via hydrologischeratlas.ch.

Web-GIS Water

“Topic Water” at map.geo.admin.ch displays all the Swiss Government maps covering the waters of Switzerland.

Further information

Last modification 29.08.2018

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