Groundwater is Switzerland's most important drinking water resource. In the past, the ability to extract sufficient quantities of high-quality groundwater has been taken for granted. However, groundwater resources are coming under increasing pressure. Residues of synthetic – and in most cases persistent – substances are adversely affecting groundwater quality. This has been demonstrated by analytical results of the NAQUA National Groundwater Monitoring.
Further information
Zustand und Entwicklung Grundwasser Schweiz
This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.
Température des eaux souterraines. Un aperçu de l'état et de l'évolution en Suisse (PDF, 2 MB, 21.08.2018)Aqua & Gas N° 7/8 2018
This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.
Last modification 23.08.2022