Climate protection: Federal Council approves agreement between Switzerland and Ghana

Bern, 18.11.2020 - At its meeting on 18 November 2020, the Federal Council approved an agreement between Switzerland and Ghana that establishes a framework for some of Switzerland’s CO2 emissions to be offset through climate protection projects in the West African country. A similar agreement was concluded between Switzerland and Peru on 20 October 2020.

By ratifying the Paris Agreement, Switzerland has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% compared to 1990 by 2030. It will meet this target primarily through domestic measures, but the Paris Agreement also allows states to offset their own emissions through climate projects in other countries. They can count the emission reductions achieved in those countries as credits towards their national reduction target.

Switzerland signed the first agreement of its kind in the world with Peru on 20 October 2020. The agreement between Switzerland and Ghana approved by the Federal Council at its meeting on 18 November 2020 is the second.

With this agreement, Switzerland is setting a standard for international climate projects that meet stringent environmental protection requirements, while also respecting international standards for the protection of human rights. It also commits both parties to use a method that prevents double counting of emission reductions. The criteria will be monitored continuously for the duration of the climate projects.

The President of the Swiss Confederation, Simonetta Sommaruga, and a representative of the Ghanaian Government will sign the agreement during a video conference in in the next days.

Address for enquiries

Franz Perrez, Ambassador, Head of International Affairs Division, Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), +41 58 462 93 23


The Federal Council

General Secretariat of the Federal Department of Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications; General Secretariat DETEC

Federal Office for the Environment FOEN