Nitrogen flows in Switzerland in 2020 (Summary)

Cover Nitrogen flows in Switzerland in 2020 (Summary)
Year 2013
Pages 107
Number UW-1309-E
Publisher Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Series Environmental studies

Baseline scenario and contingency analyses

This report quantifies nitrogen flows in Switzerland for the year 2020 and compares them with 2005 and in some instances with 1994. For example, NOx emissions decrease significantly from 2005 to 2020, but emissions of ammonia and nitrous oxide drop only a little, and the net import of foodstuffs and feed increases. Contingency analysis is used to predict how planned or agreed changes in energy, climate, clean air and agricultural policies will affect nitrogen flows. 

Nitrogen flows in Switzerland in 2020: Baseline scenario and contingency analyses (Summary of the publication «Stickstoffflüsse in der Schweiz 2020») (PDF, 104 kB, 11.04.2013)

No hard copy available.             

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Last modification 11.04.2013

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