Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring BDM

Cover Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring BDM
Year 2014
Pages 104
Number UW-1410-E
Publisher Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Series Environmental studies

Description of Methods and Indicators

Switzerland has been monitoring its biological diversity since 2001 through the Swiss Biodiveristy Monitoring BDM programme. This report summarises the concept behind this programme of the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN in a straightforward and comprehensive way. It does not contain any data but provides an in-depth explanation of the data collection methodology used. It also explains the organisation and communication aspects of the programme. The appendix to the report contains a detailed description of all of the BDM indicators. 

Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring BDM (PDF, 1 MB, 28.05.2014)

No hard copy available.             

Last modification 28.05.2014

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