Enforcement of the Timber Trade Ordinance (TTO)

Year 2023
Pages 61
Number UV-2301-E
Editor Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Serie Enforcement aid

Enforcement aid and notice from the FOEN for the cantons, market actors and inspection bodies

Illegal timber harvesting and the illegal timber trade are a global problem that has negative ecological, economic and social impacts. To combat this, since 2022 it has been forbidden in Switzerland to place illegally harvested timber and products made from it onto the market. The Timber Trade Ordinance demands that market actors exercise due diligence, i.e. check that products are legal before buying or selling them. This enforcement aid and notice begins with an overview of the various actors and their roles and obligations. The individual modules provide further detail on implementation of the Ordinance.

Enforcement of the Timber Trade Ordinance (TTO) (PDF, 2 MB, 20.06.2023)


Enforcement of the Timber Trade Ordinance (TTO) (PDF, 613 kB, 20.06.2023)Objectives, background, organisational structure

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Last modification 20.06.2023

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