Swiss Landscape Concept

Year 2020
Pages 52
Number UI-2011-E
Publisher Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Series Environment Information

Landscape and nature in federal policy areas

The Swiss Landscape Concept (SLC) consolidates the coherent landscape policy of the federal government. It is based on a comprehensive and dynamic notion of landscape as defined in the European Landscape Convention. As a federal planning instrument, the SLC defines the framework for a coherent and quality-based development of theSwiss landscapes. The overall orientation for a coherent federal landscape policy isdefined in the strategic objectives and landscape quality objectives binding on the authorities. Spatial planning principles and factual objectives concretize these for the various sectoral policies of the federal government. Through its strengthened territorial approach, the SLC aims to improve its spatial effectiveness.

Swiss Landscape Concept (PDF, 4 MB, 25.02.2021)

Further information

Last modification 26.02.2021

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