It is the task of the FOEN to provide data and information for discussions and decisions related to environmental policy. To this end, the FOEN defines environmental monitoring programmes and maintains various measurement networks.
At national level, the FOEN defines environmental monitoring programmes in collaboration with its partners. These include the national networks for the monitoring of the air (NABEL), water (NADUF, NAQUA), landscape (LABES), biodiversity (BDM) and noise (SonBase). The hydrology data are the only data collected directly by the FOEN. In all other cases, collection is carried out by research institutes or private consultancies commissioned by the FOEN.
When the data are measured at cantonal level or collected by private companies, the FOEN selects the elements it requires, standardises them and aggregates them at national level.
Data and monitoring programmes grouped by topic
Last modification 14.03.2018