Biotechnology: Indicators

Indicators assessing and illustrating the status and trends of the environment in the issue area of biotechnology with a selection of key sizes.

Indicatore Name State Trend
Activities in contained systems State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Experimental releases of genetically modified organisms State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Presence of genetically modified rapeseed in the environment State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Research investment in biotechnology State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Safety laboratories in biotechnology enterprises State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Anzahl verbotene invasive gebietsfremde Arten gemäss Verordnungen
Bewilligter Umgang mit gebietsfremden invasiven Arten in der Umwelt
Forschungsintensität Biotechnologie
Kantonale Inspektionen von Tätigkeiten gemäss Einschliessungsverordnung
Wirtschaftstätigkeit Biotechnologie

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