Operational safety concepts according to Containment Ordinance (ContainO)

Cover Operational safety concepts according to Containment Ordinance (CO)
Year 2019
Pages 23
Number UV-0817-E
Publisher Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Series The environment in practice

Guideline for enforcing the Containment Ordinance (CO)

The Containment Ordinance (CO) requires for all types of activities as a general safety measure the observance of a safety concept for the installation (Art. 12 and Appendix 4 para. 1 CO). This implementation guide describes in concrete terms how biosafety should be treated in an installation’s safety concept, and can therefore be used as instructions for drawing up, supplementing or monitoring such a concept. It also shows where interfaces with other aspects of safety could arise.


Operational safety concepts according to Containment Ordinance (ContainO) (PDF, 340 kB, 05.03.2020)Guideline for enforcing the Containment Ordinance (CO). State 2019

No hard copy available.

Further informations

Last modification 05.03.2020

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