Swiss Landscape Concept (SLC)

The Swiss Landscape Concept (SLC) is a concept defined in Article 13 of the Spatial Planning Act (RPG). Its updated version was adopted by the Federal Council on 27.05.2020. The SLC is a federal government planning tool which establishes the framework for coherent, quality-based development of Swiss landscapes.

The strategic objectives and spatial planning principles of the updated SLC define the focus at the highest level on a coherent federal government landscape policy which is binding on the authorities. Fourteen landscape quality objectives make up the framework of the SLC and help the landscape-relevant stakeholders at federal, cantonal and municipal level to achieve high landscape quality. The SLC goals are divided into 13 policy areas – such as federal buildings, energy and transport - and substantiate the landscape quality objectives. The SLC includes an action plan to support implementation of the goals. 

Swiss Landscape Concept


Landscape and nature in federal policy areas. 2020

Swiss Landscape Concept


Landscape and nature in federal policy areas. 2020

Objectives binding on federal, cantonal and municipal authorities

The SLC objectives are binding on the authorities and are implemented by the federal agencies. This covers in particular further development of their policies, balancing of interests and fulfilling the federal tasks in accordance with Article 2 of the Nature and Cultural Heritage Protection Act (NCHA). The cantonal authorities implement the objectives in the federal tasks delegated to the cantons and in projects which are realised with federal funding. The cantons take the SLC into consideration in their cantonal structure planning, within the scope for manoeuvre available. Authorities in the regions and municipalities also consider the SLC when carrying out their tasks, within their scope of action available and in line with the cantonal requirements.

Joint implementation

As before, the updated SLC, with its measures, is implemented in collaboration with the partners from sectoral politics. Cantonal and municipal representatives and other parties from research, NGOs and industry are included where appropriate.

Review of the updating process

The SLC was updated between 2018 and 2020 in a broadly-based collaborative partnership under the leadership of the Federal Office for the Environment. All the federal agencies with responsibility for sectoral policies with landscape relevance, cantonal representatives and other parties from research, industry and special interest organisations were included.

The hearing and public consultation in accordance with Article 19 Spatial Planning Ordinance (RPV) took place between 20 May and 15 September 2019. The SLC update was almost unanimously welcomed. In total, over 90% of the comments received supported the objectives and strategies fully or in part. The approval shown by nearly all the cantons and the relevant non-parliamentary committees is particularly gratifying. The analysis report on the hearing and public consultation gives full details of the comments received and the adjustments made.

Further information

Last modification 26.05.2020

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