Economy and Consumption: Indicators

Indicators assessing and illustrating the status and trends of the environment in the area of waste management with a selection of key sizes.

Topic Indicatore Name State Trend
Economy and Consumpt... Biodiversity footprint State: poor Trend: negative
Economy and Consumpt... Ecology in the construction sector State: poor Trend: positive
Economy and Consumpt... Greenhouse gas footprint State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Economy and Consumpt... Material footprint per capita State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Economy and Consumpt... Total environmental impact of consumption State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Waste, Economy and C... Municipal solid waste State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Waste, Economy and C... Recycling rate State: good Trend: positive
Air, Biodiversity, C... Economic growth
Economy and Consumpt... Wasserstress-Fussabdruck
Waste, Economy and C... Population growth

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