Forest and timber: Publications

Forstwirtschaftliches Testbetriebsnetz der Schweiz


This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.

Magazin «die umwelt» 4/2023 – Unentbehrlich: der Wald


This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages. 2023

Enforcement of the Timber Trade Ordinance (TTO)


Enforcement aid and notice from the FOEN for the cantons, market actors and inspection bodies. 2023

Bestimmungshilfe asiatische Laubholzbockkäfer

This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.

Jahrbuch Wald und Holz 2023


This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages. 2022

Ban sign «Total fire ban!»

Total fire ban! ban sign, available as printable download, A4 size. 2023

The Swiss population and the forest

Cover The Swiss population and the forest

Results of the third socio-cultural forest monitoring survey (WaMos 3)

Forest Policy: objectives and measures 2021–2024

Cover Forest Policy 2021

For the sustainable management of forests in Switzerland. 2021

Wood Action Plan

Cover Flyer «Aktionsplan Holz»

This publication does not exist in English. It is available in other languages.

Wood Resource Policy 2030


Strategy, Objectives and Wood Action Plan 2021–2026