Enforcement and supervision

The federal government sets out the objectives of environmental protection in 11 federal acts and 72 ordinances. The cantons are primarily responsible for enforcing this legislation and the federal government takes on a supervisory role. In some areas, the federal government is itself responsible for the enforcement of environmental legislation.


Enforcement is the practical implementation of environmental legislation. The cantons are primarily responsible for enforcing federal legislation. In areas such as gene technology or waste import and export, the federal authorities are directly responsible for enforcing the law, as is the case with other federal laws (railways, national roads, aerodromes etc.).

Enforcement aids and notices to applicants

As the supervisory authority, the FOEN publishes guidelines on environmental law aimed primarily at the authorities responsible for enforcing the law.


Under Art. 49 para. 2 of the Federal Constitution, the Confederation must ensure that the cantons conduct their duties according to the law, and this includes ensuring that environmental legislation is applied equally throughout Switzerland.

Last modification 30.03.2015

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