Analysis of the implementation and impact of adaptation to climate change

As part of the adaptation strategy, a system to review its implementation and impact was developed. The progress of the implementation of the Federal Offices’ adaptation measures, the impact of the adaptation strategy and the coordination performance of the FOEN are assessed regularly.
The implementation and impact system is based on the impact model which shows the objects of the evaluation. It maps out the logical integration of objectives (contained in the concept), actions by project managers (implementation), performance delivered (output), the addressees’ reactions (outcome) and the effects on those who benefit (impact). The impact model is made up of a strategic level, which contains the coordination and implementation of the adaptation strategy on the Federal level, and an operational level, which relates to the adaptation measures and their implementation.

The tools used for the implementation and impact analysis are classed as monitoring, controlling or (ex-post) evaluation tools. These tools apply to different phases of the political cycle and perform different tasks in the implementation and impact review. 

Model of the impact of the adaptation to climate change with evaluation objects and tools 

Further information


Evaluation der Strategie zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Modul A (PDF, 1 MB, 17.02.2017)Final report on behalf of the Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN) [Only available in German]

Last modification 30.10.2017

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