Water: Methods

Hydrological estimation methods, modular stepwise procedure and monitoring methods.

The FOEN has developed or commissioned the development of a number of methods that can be used to estimate flow conditions or floods or evaluate the state of surface waters. The methods are described directly on the following pages, which have references to relevant additional information and publications from other institutions.

Hydrological estimation methods

Q347 flow rate

The Q347 flow rate is one of the foundations for the specification of minimum residual flows. Q347 can be determined with the aid of measurements or appropriate estimation methods.

Process-based flood estimation

A comprehensive flood assessment model based on long-term simulations is now available for the Rhine River catchment area. The results of the model for 450 catchment areas can be consulted on the Web site of the University of Bern.

Swiss surface water study and evaluation methods

Modular Stepwise Procedure

The Modular Stepwise Procedure (MSP) is a series of methods for monitoring and assessing the status of water bodies. It is used to assess the state of the main aspects of watercourses. Initial methods also exist to assess lakes and spring habitats. Other methods have been developed to identify the causes of shortcomings and to assess the impact of remedial measures taken.

Extreme value statistics

Flood statistics

L’UFAM valuta statisticamente i dati sugli eventi di piena e mette i risultati a disposizione del pubblico.

Low-flow statistics

The FOEN analyses the data on low water flows statistically and the findings are made available to the public.

Hydrological forecasts

Hydrological forecasts

The forecasts are produced by analysing the current status and trend of water levels and discharges in various water bodies and on the basis of models in such a way that early warnings, particularly flood alerts, can be given to the authorities and the population.

Monitoring methods

Monitoring networks

Information on Swiss river, lake and groundwater monitoring networks operated by the FOEN alone or with partners.

Further information

Last modification 14.09.2021

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