How concerned people experience natural hazards
«Anyone following the international media might have thought Zermatt was facing a disaster. I was astonished by how wide the gap can be between self-image and public image. Although we were cut off from the outside world, we were not lacking for anything. Some people were frightened though. When it snows that hard and you are restricted in what you can do, it causes uncertainty for visitors. But I grew up here and experienced similar situations many times when I was younger.»
«It all happened incredibly fast, but we locals know that this small river can swell to a raging torrent in just a quarter of an hour following a big storm. From our house, I can see a pedestrian bridge that crosses the Losentze. People always go and stand there to get a close-up view of the spectacle. When the debris flow started there were tourists standing on the bridge. I immediately ran down there to warn them. The river regularly runs high, but I’ve never seen a debris flow as big as that before.»
«That was a tragic accident; the herdswoman was just incredibly unlucky. If she had been standing only two or three steps to the side, she would not have been hurt. There have been more rockfalls in the mountains generally in recent years. We know which regions are affected, and when we are out and about in those areas we are more careful. It is hard to say whether this increased frequency is chance or a consequence of climate change. But I definitely have the feeling myself that more rock is coming down.»
«Two years ago we built a new house here in Brienz because our children want to keep the farm going. The house is deliberately made of wood so that it will not be affected as much by the moving subsoil. Our entire existence is up here. If we had to leave Brienz, it would be a disaster for us. The critical area is constantly being monitored by lots of different instruments, so we’re not exactly in fear of our lives. Otherwise we would have to pack our bags immediately.»
Last modification 03.06.2020