Pilot projects on new market approaches

Switzerland wants to reach its greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 in part with reductions achieved abroad. The Paris Agreement provides for new market approaches for the trading of emission reductions between countries and for counting them towards their own targets. Switzerland and the Climate Cent Foundation were developing pilot projects to test the new approaches and practical solutions.

The Paris Agreement, which governs international climate policy from 2021, provides in Article 6 that emission reductions can be traded between countries and taken into account for the reduction targets. Such cooperation between countries must ensure environmental integrity and transparency, avoid double counting and contribute to sustainable development.

Pilot projects with countries and the private sector

Switzerland wanted to work out and test concrete solutions together with interested states and the private sector. To this end, the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications has concluded an agreement with the Climate Cent Foundation on the use of the Foundation's remaining assets, which come from a surcharge on gasoline and diesel imports in the years 2005 to 2012. At least 20 million Swiss francs will be made available to finance pilot projects, which will be decided on by mutual agreement between the federal government and the Foundation.

A project with efficient cooking stoves in Peru is still being pursued (see also Climate Cent Foundation).

Further information

Last modification 30.05.2022

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