CO2 compensation

Compensation projects in Switzerland and abroad are reducing emissions. Fuel importers are obliged to offset part of their CO2 emissions from transport through compensation projects.

Greenhouse gas emissions can be offset through climate protection projects in Switzerland and abroad. The FOEN issues tradeable attestations for proven reductions, which are needed by fuel importers that are required to offset emissions, or for the voluntary compensation of flight emissions, for example.

Compensation obligation for fuel importers

Producers or importers of fossil motor fuels are obliged to partially compensate for the CO2 emissions caused by transport. The percentage share is being gradually increased. The importers cover the resulting costs through a surcharge of a few centimes per litre of fuel.

Compensation projects in Switzerland

The FOEN can issue tradeable attestations for domestic projects. These must be registered in advance, and the emissions reductions achieved must be documented in an annual report (monitoring). Attestations are only issued for additional measures that exceed the legal requirements and provided the reduction has not already been claimed.

Compensation projects abroad

The international agreements (Kyoto Protocol, Paris Agreement) permit emissions reductions achieved abroad to be counted in addition to domestic measures. The reduction must be supplementary, must promote sustainable development in the host country, and cannot already have been claimed by another country.

Administrative office for compensation

The FOEN and SFOE jointly operate the administrative office for compensation, which is the point of contact for project developers, audit offices and buyers of attestations. It also conducts regular information events and provides information regarding news of CO2 compensation.


Further information



Last modification 08.12.2023

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