Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achieved in projects and programmes in Switzerland can receive attestation and be used to compensate for emissions.
Compensation projects and programmes in Switzerland must follow a specific procedure. The critical step in this procedure is to demonstrate that the reductions are additional and would have not been achieved without the project/programme.
The CO2 Act and the associated CO2 Ordinance form the legal basis for the implementation of CO2 compensation in Switzerland. Recommendations on implementing these provisions can be found in the implementation notice (available in German, French and Italian).
Offsetting CO2 emissions: projects and programmes
A communication of the FOEN in its capacity as enforcement authority of the CO2 Ordinance. State 2024
Registered compensation projects in Switzerland
Compensation projects approved by the FOEN and the SFOE are registered. An overview of the compensation projects already registered, including project documentation, is available here:
List of rejected or withdrawn compensation projects
An overview of the compensation projects rejected or withdrawn, including project documentation, is available here:
Statistics on compensation projects
The administrative office for compensation publishes statistics on the registered compensation projects. The estimates of expected emissions reductions come from the application documents for the registered projects and programmes. A file containing the data as well as evaluations are made available for download:
The FOEN issues attestations for reductions achieved in Switzerland. The attestations may be sold to fuel importers that are required to compensate for their emissions. Attestations are not internationally recognized. They cannot be traded outside Switzerland. Attestations are issued and traded in the Emissions Trading Registry (CHA unit). Information regarding opening an account in the Emissions Trading Registry can be found here:
Eligible types of projects
Projects in the following categories are eligible:
- Energy-efficiency (in terms of supply and demand)
- Renewable energies
- Mobility management
- Wood products
- Biofuels with high quality standards
- Biological and geological carbon storage
The list of allowable project types can be continuously updated as needed. Projects that reduce emissions of methane, nitrous oxide or fluorinated gases are also eligible. Projects can also be carried out as programmes. These programmes include several projects that have a common purpose.
The full list of project types for which no attestation is issued can be found in the Annex 3 of the CO2 Ordinance:
Implementation of projects / programmes
Information on the process of implementing projects and programmes as well as templates for preparing the project/programme documentation is available here:
Approved validators and verifiers
Information regarding validators and verifiers currently approved by the FOEN and regarding the requirements for approval can be found here:
Further information
Newsletter «Kompensation von CO2-Emissionen»
Faktenblatt Kommunikation zu Netto-Null-Fahrplänen und Kompensationsprojekten (PDF, 148 kB, 18.01.2023)(available in German, French or Italian)
Auf Marktanalysen gestützter pauschaler Zusätzlichkeitsnachweis für Kompensationsprojekte (PDF, 1 MB, 01.04.2020)Im Auftrag des BAFU
Vereinfachter Zusätzlichkeitsnachweis Bereich Fernwärme (Tool) 2023 (XLSX, 321 kB, 23.03.2023)(available in German, French or Italian)
Vereinfachter Zusätzlichkeitsnachweis Bereich Fernwärme (Tool) 2022 (XLSX, 319 kB, 04.01.2022)(available in German, French or Italian)
Vereinfachter Zusätzlichkeitsnachweis Bereich Fernwärme (Tool) 2020 (XLSX, 319 kB, 03.09.2020)(available in German, French or Italian)
Standardisierung des Wirkungsnachweises bei Kompensationsprojekten und -programmen (PDF, 926 kB, 13.07.2017)Teil A: Analyse und Beurteilung. Studie im Auftrag des BAFU
Standardisierung des Wirkungsnachweises bei Kompensationsprojekten und -programmen (PDF, 840 kB, 12.07.2017)Teil B: Standardmethodik des Wirkungsnachweises für die effiziente Regelung von Heizung und Warmwasserbereitstellung in bestehenden Wohnbauten. Studie im Auftrag des BAFU
Konzept «Positivliste für Kompensationsprojekte im Bereich Fernwärme» (PDF, 838 kB, 13.02.2017)econcept mit Durena, im Auftrag des BAFU
Evaluation des Instruments «Kompensationspflicht» (PDF, 251 kB, 27.01.2016)evaluanda, im Auftrag des BAFU
Heizsysteme: Entwicklung der Marktanteile 2008-2021: Aktualisierung 2022 (PDF, 4 MB, 22.04.2022)Wüest und Partner AG, im Auftrag des BFE
Heizsysteme: Entwicklung der Marktanteile 2007-2020: Aktualisierung 2021 (PDF, 4 MB, 09.09.2021)Wüest und Partner AG, im Auftrag des BFE
Heizsysteme: Entwicklung der Marktanteile 2006-2019:Aktualisierung 2020 (PDF, 4 MB, 07.05.2020)Wüest und Partner AG, im Auftrag des BFE
Heizsysteme: Entwicklung der Marktanteile 2004-2017: Aktualisierung 2018 (PDF, 266 kB, 12.04.2018)Wüest und Partner AG, im Auftrag des BFE
Heizsysteme: Entwicklung der Marktanteile 2003 - 2016 (PDF, 916 kB, 22.03.2017)Wüest und Partner AG, im Auftrag des BFE
Last modification 03.05.2024