The voluntary industry solution has the goal of limiting the use and emissions of SF6 as far as possible. It is coordinated by Swissmem.
SF6 is a potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 22,800 (1 kg of SF6 is equivalent in potency to 22.8 tonnes of CO2). Its use is strictly prohibited, with exceptions for applications in which SF6 cannot be replaced by other substances (such as insulating gas in electric high-voltage equipment or particle accelerators).
Among others, two agreements provide for reduction targets for emissions of SF6 from the manufacture and operation of electrical installations and from particle accelerators. The targets for 2020 are 3.2 tonnes for SF6 from the manufacture and operation of highest-, high- and middle-voltage installations, and 0.45 tonnes of SF6 from particle accelerators respectively. Compliance with the reduction targets for 2020 will be reviewed in summer 2021 on the basis of the average emissions for 2019-2021.
For the period 2021-2025, the average emissions from electrical installations should not exceed 1.0 tonnes of SF6 per year, and those from particle accelerators should not exceed 0.35 tonnes of SF6 per year.
The coordination of the agreement is undertaken across the economy by Swissmem. Swissmem creates an annual SF6 mass balance, which is incorporated into the Swiss greenhouse gas inventory.
Last modification 18.12.2020