Financing remediation of contaminated sites

Who foots the bill for the investigation, monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites? Can financial assistance be provided by the federal government?

What is the OCRCS Contamination Fund?

The Federal Government participates financially in the investigation, monitoring and remediation of polluted sites. It has set up the OCRCS Contamination Fund as a way of financing these costs.

Levying the OCRCS charge

The OCRCS Contamination Fund is funded by charges on the deposit of waste in landfills. These funds are ring-fenced for this purpose and are paid to the cantons.

OCRCS Subsidies

The Environmental Protection Act lists in Article 32e Para. 3 the measures for which the OCRCS Fund should be used.

Bearing the costs

Who foots the bill for the investigation, monitoring and remediation of contaminated sites? Can financial assistance be provided by the federal government?

Further information

Last modification 12.07.2023

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