Greenhouse gas emissions from industry

The Industry sector shows the emissions caused by energy use and processes in industrial activities. It also includes emissions from the incineration of waste in municipal solid waste and special waste incineration plants and as an alternative fuel in industrial furnaces.

The greenhouse gas emissions in the Industry sector mainly consist of carbon dioxide (CO2), which is produced when using fossil fuels for energy, when incinerating waste (municipal solid waste and special waste incineration plants, alternative fuel in industrial furnaces) and during the process of manufacturing cement. The Industry sector also includes emissions from construction and industrial machinery. Compared with CO2, emissions of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) are relatively low in the Industry sector. The CH4 emissions are mainly the result of gas losses from the transportation and use of natural gas for energy. The N2O emissions predominantly come from the chemical industry.

Evolution of greenhouse gas emissions in the Industry sector. Emissions from the incineration of waste in municipal solid waste and special waste incineration plants and as an alternative fuel in industrial furnaces are shown separately.
Breakdown of total greenhouse gas emissions for the Industry sector. (i) Into gases CO2, CH4 and N2O. (ii) Into emissions from industrial processes and fuel use. The emissions from fuel use are broken down further into waste, natural gas, fuel oil, diesel/gasoline, coal and other fuels. (iii) Into industry branches and emission sources. The remaining emissions are mostly emissions from industrial boilers that are not allocated further.

Further information

Last modification 15.04.2024

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