The Transport sector shows the emissions for all forms of transport. However, emissions from international aviation and navigation are not allocated to the Transport sector, as they are shown separately.
The largest shares of emissions in the Transport sector come from passenger transport (cars, motorbikes, coaches), followed by freight transport (trucks and delivery vans). The other forms of transport (rail, boats/ships, buses, pipeline transport, military including military flights, fuel tourism and statistical differences) and national aviation (civil domestic flights) contribute less to Transport sector emissions. In line with the guidelines of the UN Climate Convention, emissions from international aviation and navigation are not included in the national total emissions or in the Transport sector shown here. Emissions from construction and industrial machinery are allocated to the Industry sector. Emissions from agricultural and forestry vehicles and machinery are allocated to the Agriculture sector.
Emissions from international aviation are shown on the following page:
Further information
Kenngrössen zur Entwicklung der Treibhausgasemissionen in der Schweiz (1990-2022) (PDF, 1 MB, 15.04.2024)Stand April 2024 (in German, also available in French)
Emissionsübersicht: Tabellen zum Bericht (Version Juli 2024) (XLSX, 350 kB, 09.07.2024)Tabellen zum Bericht «Emissionen von Treibhausgasen nach CO2-Gesetz und Übereinkommen von Paris» (in German, also available in French)
Last modification 15.04.2024