Hydraulic engineering and ecology

Riverscape – sediment dynamics and connectivity

The research project ‘Riverscape – sediment dynamics and connectivity’ combines the topics of hydraulic engineering and ecology. Researchers have worked together to establish fundamental principles and propose solutions for the restoration of sediment dynamics and habitat connectivity. The most important results relevant to practice are presented in this publication.

Earthquake risk tool


Determine your personal earthquake risk

07.03.2023 – Use the interactive tool to determine by approximation your personal earthquake risk and find out how to reduce it.

Earthquake risk tool

Earthquake - what to do?

Earthquake - what to do?

11.04.2022 – Those who behave correctly during an earthquake and take the necessary precautions can protect themselves and others.

Here you can find more about the behavioural recommendations in the event of earthquakes.

Continuing education

Bergsturz im Dorf Bondo (GR), 12. September 2017

Continuing education

08.02.2022 – Are you looking for a continuing education in the field of natural hazards?

The natural hazard experts (FAN) and the Flood Protection Commission (KOHS) regularly offer lectures and further education courses on specialist subjects. At this link you will also find a collection of offers throughout Switzerland for further education and training courses on natural hazards. 

Climate change

Hochwasser am Thunersee in Neuhaus (BE), 15.07.2021

Impact of climate change on natural hazards

15.12.2021 - Switzerland is particularly affected by the impacts of climate change. Observations show that climate change is already influencing the natural hazard situation. The Confederation is taking various measures.

Website climate change and natural hazards

At a glance

Hazard maps

Information about hazard maps, intensity maps and hazard index maps as well as links to the cantonal geoportals

Current natural hazard situation 

Recommendations on what to do in the event of a hazard

Taking the proper actions before, during and after a natural hazard helps to keep you and others safe and reduce the damage

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