Air: Information for specialists


Der Ausstoss der meisten Schadstoffe ist seit den 1990er Jahren zurückgegangen. Hauptverursacher der heute noch vorhandenen Luftbelastung sind in erster Linie der motorisierte Verkehr (NOx, PM10), die Holzverbrennung (PM10), die Landwirtschaft (NH3, PM10) und die Industrie (VOC, NOx, PM10).

Air quality

Air quality in Switzerland has improved steadily since the mid-1980s. However, pollution from respirable particulate matter (PM10), ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) continues to exceed the legally prescribed ambient limit values. The scale of ammonia (NH3) pollution is also far in excess of the critical limit value.


Air pollutants have directly detrimental effects on health and the environment. Furthermore, they are instrumental in making human beings, plants and entire ecosystems more susceptible to other "stress factors" (e.g. pathogens, parasites and drought). Finally, air pollution in Switzerland is responsible for indirect costs amounting to billions of francs every year, which are not met by the polluter.


Auf Bundesebene existieren Vorschriften über den Schadstoff-Ausstoss von Feuerungen, industriellen Anlagen, Motorfahrzeugen sowie Baumaschinen, und solche über die Qualität von Brenn- und Heizstoffen. Ausserdem soll der beste Stand der Technik bei Fahrzeugen, Industrie- und Landwirtschaftsanlagen sowie Heizungen zur Anwendung kommen.

Air: International air pollution control

Since air pollutants do not recognise national borders, many air quality problems cannot be resolved by one country on its own. It is only possible to reduce air pollution if neighbouring countries also take appropriate measures. In view of this, Switzerland is actively involved in a variety of international organisations that focus on limiting air pollution in Europe.

Last modification 18.06.2021

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