Air: Indicators

Indicators assessing and illustrating the status and trends of the environment in the issue area of air quality with a selection of key sizes.

Topic Indicatore Name State Trend
Air Ammonia immissions State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Air Attitude towards air pollution State: good Trend: impossible to evaluate
Air Benzene immissions State: poor Trend: positive
Air Costs of health impacts of air pollution State: poor Trend: positive
Air Health problems caused by air pollution State: poor Trend: positive
Air Knowledge about air pollution State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Air Nitrogen dioxide immissions State: medium Trend: positive
Air Ozone immissions State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Air Particulate matter immissions State: medium Trend: positive
Air Particulate matter immissions (PM2.5) in urban environment State: medium Trend: positive
Air Subjective disturbance due to air pollution State: poor Trend: negative
Air Sulphur dioxide immissions State: good Trend: positive
Air Ammonia emissions
Air Emissions of carcinogenic substances
Air Feinstaub-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air Feinstaub-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Heating energy consumption
Air Heavy metal emissions
Air Nitrogen oxide emissions
Air Particulate matter emissions
Air Russ-Konzentration in µg/m³ (Jahresmittelwerte)
Air Stickoxid-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air Stickoxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Stickstoffdioxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Sulphur dioxide emissions
Air Volatile organic compounds emissions
Air, Biodiversity Übermässiger Stickstoffeintrag
Air, Biodiversity, C... Economic growth
Air, Biodiversity, C... Road traffic
Air, Climate CO2-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air, Climate Industrial production
Air, Ecosystem Goods... Agricultural production
Air, Noise Alpenquerender Strassengüterverkehr durch die Schweiz
Climate, Air, Biodiv... Energieverbrauch
Noise, Air Bestand Personenwagen

Further information