Foams - among other plastics - are regulated in Switzerland by Annex 2.9 of the Chemicals Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORRChem).
Relevant legal provisions
Annex 2.9: Chemical Risk Reduction Ordinance (ORRChem)
1. Foams containing substances stable in the atmosphere
The supply and use of foams manufactured with substances stable in the atmosphere (Annex 1.5), or articles containing such foams, are prohibited.
Exemptions to the above-mentioned prohibitions apply under certain conditions (Annex 2.9 Number 3 Paragraph 2 and 4 ORRChem).
2. Foams containing substances that deplete the ozone layer
The manufacture and placing on the market of foams manufactured with substances that deplete the ozone layer (Annex 1.4) and articles containing such foams are prohibited.
Since 1 April 2022, there is an exemption to the above-mentioned prohibition if, according to the state of the art, no substitute is available, if the substance that depletes the ozone layer has an ozone depletion potential of no more than 0.0005, if the quantity of this substance is not more than required, and emissions are kept as low as possible throughout the life cycle of the intended use (Annex 2.9 Number 3 Paragraph 3bis ORRChem). Annex 2.9 Number 6 Paragraph 8 ORRChem regulates the transitional periods following a change in the state of the art, which the FOEN publishes on this page after consulting the sectors concerned.
NEW: State of the art: Foams with an ozone depletion potential <0.0005 (Status: October 2022) (PDF, 68 kB, 19.10.2022)(available in German, French and Italian)
Last modification 07.09.2023