Rotterdam Convention PIC

The Convention on the Prior Informed Consent (PIC) Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International Trade

On 11 September 1998, Switzerland together with around 60 other states and the EU signed the PIC Convention in Rotterdam. The parties to the Convention have committed themselves to informing the other parties about legislative bans or severe restrictions on the use of chemicals, and to notifying recipient countries of any exports of regulated substances. In addition, the parties are committed to reaching a decision on whether the import of certain chemicals named in the Convention should be prohibited and on the conditions under which this should be allowed. This procedure is called Prior Informed Consent (PIC). Deliveries of chemicals contrary to the wishes of the importing country are not permitted.

This Convention, which is binding under international law, will help to reduce environmental and health risks that may be caused by certain hazardous chemicals. In particular, it will protect users in agriculture and industry, as well as users in developing and newly industrialised countries. The Convention came into force on 24 February 2004.

Switzerland ratified the PIC Convention on 10 January 2002, thereby expressing its international commitment, and - as an important chemical producer - its solidarity with developing countries, for which the cooperation required in the Convention is of great importance.

The Swiss PIC Ordinance (ChemPICO) implements the provisions of the Convention as national law. The PIC Ordinance came into force on 1 January 2005.

Further information

Last modification 07.02.2023

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