Environmental technology promotion: projects

Since environmental technology promotion began in the fall of 1997, the FOEN has supported numerous pilot and demonstration projects in various areas of the environment, such as water, wastewater, waste and recycling, air pollution control, and noise abatement.

As part of the measures to strengthen the resource efficiency and competitiveness of the Swiss economy, funding is provided to Swiss firms for their participation in key international environmental conventions and various other activities. The Swiss network for the improvement of resource efficiency in enterprises, known as Reffnet.ch, which was recently founded by order of the federal government, has been supported since 2014.

Every 5 years, the FOEN provides the Federal Assembly with a report on the impact of environmental technology promotion on behalf of the Federal Council.

ARAMIS database

All projects and their details are recorded in ARAMIS, the federal research database. They can be retrieved by searching in the "project search" field using keywords or the abbreviation "UTF".

Projects examples

These and further examples can be found in the "environment" magazine issue on the topic of innovation (available in german and french).

Magazin «umwelt» 2/2016 - Innovationen für Mensch und Umwelt

Dossier: Innovationsförderung des BAFU > Umweltinnovationen zum Wohle der Gesellschaft > Von der Idee zur Marktreife > Richtungsweisende Pilotprojekte > Ressourceneffizienz stärken
Weitere Themen: Wasser effizienter nutzen > Poröser Asphalt schluckt den Strassenlärm > Hände weg von Bioziden im Haushalt > Immer weniger Fische in den Netzen. 2016

Further information

Last modification 14.09.2023

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