Natural hazards: Indicators

The state and development of the hazard potential, the damage caused by natural hazards (grav./tect.) and the protective measures implemented are presented and evaluated using selected parameters.

Topic Indicatore Name State Trend
Natural hazards Earthquake-specific building regulations for private buildings State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Natural hazards Fatalities caused by floods, debris flows, landslides, fall processes and avalanches State: good Trend: positive
Natural hazards Local information about seismic hazard State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Natural hazards, Cli... Damage caused by floods, debris flows, landslides and fall processes State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Natural hazards, Cli... Thawing of the permafrost State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Natural hazards, For... Maintained protective forest area State: good Trend: positive
Natural hazards, Wat... Public investment in protection against natural hazards in accordance with WBG and WaG State: good Trend: positive
Soils, Biodiversity,... Settlement and urban area State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Natural hazards Anzahl lokale Naturgefahrenberatende
Natural hazards Projekte mit Mehrleistungen

Further information