The greenhouse gas inventory contains comprehensive statistics on emissions according to the requirements of the UN Climate Convention. It shows detailed information on Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions and enables a breakdown into gases, sectors and individual sources. The greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation and navigation, and the greenhouse gas balance from land use (soil, vegetation) are shown separately.
The greenhouse gas inventory details all of Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions. As well as carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from the use of fossil energy sources, these also include CO2 emissions from industrial processes and waste incineration, emissions of the other greenhouse gases methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and synthetic gases from a wide range of sources. In line with the guidelines of the UN Climate Convention, emissions from international aviation and navigation are shown in the greenhouse gas inventory, but are not included in the total emissions. The same applies to the greenhouse gas balance from land use, i.e. the greenhouse gas emissions and carbon fixation from soil and vegetation. The emissions shown in the greenhouse gas inventory are not corrected for weather conditions. The greenhouse gas inventory does not include emissions arising from the production of imported goods (including imported electricity).
Reduction targets and monitoring target attainment
Detailed information on Switzerland’s reduction targets and how these are monitored (with inclusion of the greenhouse gas balance from land use) is available on the following page:
Data and publications on the current greenhouse gas inventory
Switzerland’s greenhouse gas inventory is updated each year in spring on the basis of data from the year before last. The data below is based on the greenhouse gas inventory of April 2024 (next update: April 2025).
Kenngrössen zur Entwicklung der Treibhausgasemissionen in der Schweiz (1990-2022) (PDF, 1 MB, 15.04.2024)Stand April 2024 (in German, also available in French)
Total greenhouse gas emissions in Switzerland and breakdown into gases
Breakdown of Switzerland’s greenhouse gas emissions into sectors
Detailed information on the greenhouse gas emissions for the individual sectors in accordance with the CO2 Ordinance is available on the following pages:
Further information
Emissionen von Treibhausgasen nach CO2-Gesetz und Übereinkommen von Paris (Version Juli 2024) (PDF, 567 kB, 09.07.2024)In German, also available in French
CO2-Emissionsfaktoren des schweizerischen Treibhausgasinventars (PDF, 180 kB, 15.04.2024)Zusammenstellung der CO2-Emissionsfaktoren und Energieinhalte verschiedener Energieträger, die im Treibhausgasinventar verwendet werden (in German, also available in French and Italian).
Kenngrössen zur Entwicklung der Treibhausgasemissionen in der Schweiz (1990-2022) (PDF, 1 MB, 15.04.2024)Stand April 2024 (in German, also available in French)
Klimawirkung von Treibhausgasen und weiteren Substanzen (PDF, 239 kB, 15.04.2024)Faktenblatt (in German, available also in French and Italian)
Climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances (PDF, 2 MB, 19.05.2022)Fact sheet on the climate effect and CO2 equivalent emissions of short-lived substances (Swiss Academy of Sciences, with the support of the FOEN).
Emissionsübersicht: Tabellen zum Bericht (Version Juli 2024) (XLSX, 350 kB, 09.07.2024)Tabellen zum Bericht «Emissionen von Treibhausgasen nach CO2-Gesetz und Übereinkommen von Paris» (in German, also available in French)
UNFCCC: GHG Review Tools - Locator
Last modification 15.04.2024