In order to reduce the CO2 emissions, a CO2 levy is charged on thermal fuels in Switzerland. The CO2 levy is increased automatically, in case the CO2 emissions from thermal fuels exceed the thresholds prescribed by the law. At present, the legislation does not foresee any further increase of the CO2 levy. In contrast, no CO2 levy is charged on motor fuels, although importers are obliged to partially compensate the CO2 emissions caused. The CO2 statistics documents the CO2 emissions from thermal and motor fuels and is updated annually.
Investigation of CO2 emissions from thermal and motor fuels
The overall energy statistics, annually published by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, forms the basis for the estimate of the CO2 emissions from fossil fuel consumption. CO2 emissions are derived by multiplication of the declared energy amounts with the corresponding emission factors (see further information below).
Only CO2 emissions from thermal fuels are relevant for the CO2 levy. The consumption of thermal fuels strongly depends on weather conditions, thus the corresponding CO2 emissions are corrected for weather conditions before the confrontation with the thresholds for the CO2 levy. The correction for weather conditions takes into account outside temperature and insolation. With regard to the achievement of the reduction objectives, emissions are not corrected for weather conditions.
In line with the UN Climate Convention, emissions from international aviation and navigation are not included in motor fuels.
Emissionen von Treibhausgasen nach CO2-Gesetz und Übereinkommen von Paris (Version Juli 2024) (PDF, 567 kB, 09.07.2024)In German, also available in French
Emissionsübersicht: Tabellen zum Bericht (Version Juli 2024) (XLSX, 350 kB, 09.07.2024)Tabellen zum Bericht «Emissionen von Treibhausgasen nach CO2-Gesetz und Übereinkommen von Paris» (in German, also available in French)
Further information on the CO2 levy is available on the following page: CO2 levy
Further information on the compensation obligation for motor fuel importers is available on the following page: CO2 compensation
Further information
CO2-Emissionsfaktoren des schweizerischen Treibhausgasinventars (PDF, 180 kB, 15.04.2024)Zusammenstellung der CO2-Emissionsfaktoren und Energieinhalte verschiedener Energieträger, die im Treibhausgasinventar verwendet werden (in German, also available in French and Italian).
Last modification 09.07.2024