The Economics and Innovation Division is responsible for the following topics: circular economy, resource conservation, sustainable consumption and production, green public procurement, and education, research and innovation in the environmental sector.
The main focus of the activities is:
- Boosting the circular economy and resource conservation by promoting sustainable patterns of consumption and production
- Creating and implementing the environment research master plan
- Supporting the development of innovative environmental technologies
- Promoting environmental and climate competencies in education and training, and supporting training programmes
- Further developing green public procurement
- Carrying out ex-ante and ex-post evaluations of environmental-economic measures and providing fundamental information, such as life cycle inventories and ecological footprints
The division is responsible for the topics:
Susanne Blank
Position: head of division
Rolf Gurtner
Position: head of section economics, deputy head of division
Josef Känzig
Position: head of section Consumption and Products
Daniel Zürcher
Position: head of section Innovation
Beat Bringold
Position: head of section Environmental Education
Salome Schori
Position: head of service Green Public Procurement Service
Last modification 06.07.2023
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Economics and Innovation Division
Postal address:
CH-3003 Bern
Location of our offices:
Monbijoustrasse 40, 3003 Bern
Tel.: +41 58 465 36 62