Hydrology Division

The Hydrology Division ensures that Switzerland has the hydrological information it needs for its sustainable development. The division operates the national surface water and groundwater monitoring networks, which measure water quantity and quality. It also prepares hydrological forecasts, issues flood warnings and provides information in the event of drought.

Its main activities are:

  • Monitoring of Swiss waters (surface waters and groundwater, quality and quantity) and management of the necessary monitoring programmes (e.g. NAQUA, NADUF, NAWA, BAQUA, water temperature)
  • Evaluation, analysis and publication of hydrological, hydrogeological and hydrochemical data
  • Hydrological forecasting as well as flood warning and drought information
  • Information on the quantitative and qualitative status of Swiss waters and on the effects of climate change on waters, and provision of hydrological and hydrogeological information
  • Operation of the InfoTracer coordination centre for groundwater tracer tests
  • Advising other federal agencies, cantons and members of the public and handling political business in the field of hydrology

The division is responsible for the topics: 


Carlo Scapozza
Head of division

Petra Schmocker-Fackel

Petra Schmocker-Fackel
Position: deputy head of division, head of section Hydrological basics of quantity

Robert Lukes
Position: Head of section Hydrometry

Daniel Streit
Position: Head of section Hydrological information

Florian Storck
Position: Head of section Hydrological Basis State of Waters

Flavio Malaguerra

Flavio Malaguerra
Position: Head of section Hydrogeological basis


Therese Bürgi
Position: head of section Hydrological Forecasts

Last modification 11.04.2023

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Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Hydrology Division

Postal address:
CH-3003 Bern

Locations of our offices:

Worblentalstrasse 68, 3063 Ittigen

Monbijoustrasse 40, 3003 Bern


Secretariat: +41 58 463 85 68

Data and technical information: +41 58 464 71 87


Print contact
