International Affairs Division

The International Affairs Division is responsible for Switzerland's international environmental policy. It thus forms part of the country's foreign policy system and is led by the Swiss Environmental Ambassador. The Division coordinates and develops Switzerland's political and strategic positions on international environmental questions and manages international negotiations and processes in this area. Of particular importance is the direct involvement of the FOEN's scientific and technical expertise. International Affairs therefore cooperates closely with the other FOEN Divisions and with other relevant federal authorities.

The division is responsible for the topic:


Felix Wertli

Felix Wertli
Position: Ambassador for the Environment, head of division

Martine Rohn

Martine Rohn-Brossard
Position: head of section Europe, Trade and Cooperation on Development Section, deputy head of division

Tschirren Michel
head of section Global Affairs

Norbert Bärlocher
Position: head of section Rio Conventions

Last modification 01.07.2023

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Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
International Affairs Division

Postal address:
CH-3003 Bern

Location of our offices:
Monbijoustrasse 40, 3003 Bern

Tel.: +41 58 465 93 44


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