The staff of the Noise and Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) Division seek to protect human health and the environment from harmful impacts or nuisances due to noise or non-ionizing radiation (NIR). Their work is based on the Environmental Protection Act, the Noise Abatement Ordinance and the NIR Ordinance.
Main focus of work:
- Analysing scientific knowledge on the effects of noise and NIR on humans and the environment and promoting research projects to increase this knowledge
- Promoting measures to reduce noise and radiation at source
- Promoting tranquillity and natural darkness in urban development
- Monitoring of exposure to noise and NIR
- Informing the public about exposure to noise and NIR and the impact on health and business
- Supporting the competent federal and cantonal authorities in their enforcement tasks
The division is responsible for the topic:
Urs Walker
Position: Head of Noise and NIR division
Alexander Reichenbach
Position: Head of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) Section
Hans Bögli
Position: Head of Aircraft, Industrial and Shooting Noise Section
Fredy Fischer
Position: Head of Railway Noise Section
Sophie Hoehn
Position: Head of Road Noise Section
Last modification 14.03.2023
Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Noise and NIR Division
Postal address
CH-3003 Bern
Location of our offices
Monbijoustrasse 40, 3003 Bern
Tel.: +41 58 462 92 49