Noise and NIR Division

The staff of the Noise and Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) Division seek to protect human health and the environment from harmful impacts or nuisances due to noise or non-ionizing radiation (NIR). Their work is based on the Environmental Protection Act, the Noise Abatement Ordinance and the NIR Ordinance.

Main focus of work:

  • Analysing scientific knowledge on the effects of noise and NIR on humans and the environment and promoting research projects to increase this knowledge
  • Promoting measures to reduce noise and radiation at source
  • Promoting tranquillity and natural darkness in urban development
  • Monitoring of exposure to noise and NIR
  • Informing the public about exposure to noise and NIR and the impact on health and business
  • Supporting the competent federal and cantonal authorities in their enforcement tasks

The division is responsible for the topic:


Urs Walker

Urs Walker
Head of Noise and NIR division

Alexander Reichenbach

Alexander Reichenbach
Head of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR) Section

Hans Bögli

Hans Bögli
 Head of Aircraft, Industrial and Shooting Noise Section

Fredy Fischer

Fredy Fischer
 Head of Railway Noise Section

Sophie Hoehn

Sophie Hoehn
 Head of Road Noise Section

Last modification 14.03.2023

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Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
Noise and NIR Division

Postal address
CH-3003 Bern

Location of our offices
Monbijoustrasse 40, 3003 Bern

Tel.: +41 58 462 92 49

E-mail Noise
E-mail NIR

Print contact