
The indicators illustrate the changes and state of the environment using a selection of parameters.

Topic Indicatore Name State Trend
Air Ammonia immissions State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Air Attitude towards air pollution State: good Trend: impossible to evaluate
Air Benzene immissions State: medium Trend: positive
Air Costs of health impacts of air pollution State: poor Trend: positive
Air Health problems caused by air pollution State: poor Trend: positive
Air Knowledge about air pollution State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Air Nitrogen dioxide immissions State: good Trend: positive
Air Ozone immissions State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Air Particulate matter immissions State: medium Trend: positive
Air Particulate matter immissions (PM2.5) in urban environment State: medium Trend: positive
Air Subjective disturbance due to air pollution State: poor Trend: negative
Air Sulphur dioxide immissions State: good Trend: positive
Biodiversity Areas designated for biodiversity State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Biodiversity Butterfly Index State: poor Trend: negative
Biodiversity Diversity of species communities in meadows and pastures State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Biodiversity Invasive alien species State: poor Trend: negative
Biodiversity Particularly valuable habitats State: poor Trend: negative
Biodiversity Red lists State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Biodiversity Swiss Bird Index® State: medium Trend: positive
Biodiversity Wildlife corridors State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Biodiversity, Landsc... Area reserved for promoting biodiversity State: poor Trend: positive
Biodiversity, Landsc... Organically farmed area State: medium Trend: positive
Biotechnology Activities in contained systems State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Biotechnology Experimental releases of genetically modified organisms State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Biotechnology Presence of genetically modified rapeseed in the environment State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Biotechnology Research investment in biotechnology State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Biotechnology Safety laboratories in biotechnology enterprises State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Chemicals Consumption of hydrofluorocarbons State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Chemicals Ozone layer above Switzerland State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Chemicals Release of benzene from facilities State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Chemicals Release of zinc from facilities State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Chemicals Transfer of AOX from facilities State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Climate Cattle population State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Climate CO2 Emissions from thermal and motor fuels State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Climate CO2 emissions of new cars State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Climate Energy efficiency of buildings State: poor Trend: positive
Climate Glacier retreat State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Climate Heat-related deaths State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Climate, Biodiversit... Evolution of annual mean temperature State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Climate, Biodiversit... New renewable energy State: medium Trend: positive
Climate, Chemicals Greenhouse gas emissions State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Climate, Landscape Greenhouse gas balance of land use State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Contaminated sites Contaminated sites State: good Trend: unsatisfactory
Contaminated sites Status of remediation of contaminated sites State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Economy and Consumpt... Biodiversity footprint State: poor Trend: negative
Economy and Consumpt... Ecology in the construction sector State: poor Trend: positive
Economy and Consumpt... Greenhouse gas footprint State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Economy and Consumpt... Material footprint per capita State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Economy and Consumpt... Total environmental impact of consumption State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Electrosmog Electricity transmission State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Electrosmog Feared health risks associated with mobile communications State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Electrosmog Mobile telecommunication installations State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Electrosmog Subjective pollution due to mobile phone antennas and power lines State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Electrosmog Volume of mobile telecommunications data State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Forest and wood Deforestation State: good Trend: positive
Forest and wood Forest damage caused by European spruce bark beetle infestation State: medium Trend: negative
Forest and wood Forest reserves State: good Trend: positive
Forest and wood Mixed forest areas State: medium Trend: positive
Forest and wood Nitrogen input in the forest State: poor Trend: negative
Forest and wood Occupational accidents and fatalities in forestry work State: medium Trend: positive
Forest and wood Raw wood prices State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Forest and wood Standing volume State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Forest and wood Structural diversity of the forest State: good Trend: positive
Forest and wood Tree species composition State: good Trend: positive
Forest and wood Wood harvesting/net increment ratio State: medium Trend: positive
Forest and wood, Bio... Deadwood State: medium Trend: positive
Forest and wood, Eco... Economic performance of forestry operations State: poor Trend: negative
Forest and wood, Eco... Economic performance of wood harvests State: poor Trend: negative
Forest and wood, Eco... Recreation in the forest State: good Trend: impossible to evaluate
Forest and wood, Soi... Forest area State: good Trend: positive
Landscape Installation-free zones State: impossible to evaluate Trend: positive
Landscape Perceived changes in the landscape State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Landscape Special quality of the landscape State: good Trend: positive
Landscape Urban greenery State: poor Trend: negative
Landscape, Biodivers... Agricultural area State: poor Trend: negative
Landscape, Biodivers... Fragmentation of landscapes State: poor Trend: negative
Landscape, Biodivers... Light emissions State: poor Trend: negative
Landscape, Biodivers... Sealed area State: poor Trend: negative
Landscape, Biodivers... Urban sprawl State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Landscape, Ecosystem... Perceived beauty of the landscape State: good Trend: positive
Major Accidents Industrial plants with no potential for extensive damage State: medium Trend: positive
Major Accidents Non-critical risks to persons and the environment related to the transport of hazardous goods State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Natural hazards Earthquake-specific building regulations for private buildings State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Natural hazards Fatalities caused by floods, debris flows, landslides, fall processes and avalanches State: good Trend: positive
Natural hazards Local information about seismic hazard State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Natural hazards, Cli... Damage caused by floods, debris flows, landslides and fall processes State: medium Trend: impossible to evaluate
Natural hazards, Cli... Thawing of the permafrost State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Natural hazards, For... Maintained protective forest area State: good Trend: positive
Natural hazards, Wat... Public investment in protection against natural hazards in accordance with WBG and WaG State: good Trend: positive
Noise External noise-related costs State: poor Trend: negative
Noise Noise impacts on health State: poor Trend: impossible to evaluate
Noise Subjective noise pollution State: poor Trend: negative
Noise Traffic noise pollution State: poor Trend: impossible to evaluate
Soils Carbon content of agricultural soils State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Soils Copper and zinc pollution of agricultural soil State: medium Trend: negative
Soils Lead contamination of soils State: good Trend: positive
Soils, Biodiversity,... Settlement and urban area State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Waste Energy efficiency during waste incineration processes State: good Trend: positive
Waste Hazardous wastes recovered State: good Trend: positive
Waste Waste incineration State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Waste, Economy and C... Municipal solid waste State: medium Trend: positive
Waste, Economy and C... Recycling rate State: good Trend: positive
Water Bathing water quality State: good Trend: positive
Water Biological status of surface waters State: poor Trend: unsatisfactory
Water Connection rate to wastewater treatment plants State: good Trend: positive
Water Consumption of medicinal products State: impossible to evaluate Trend: negative
Water Discharge forecasts State: good Trend: positive
Water Drinking water use State: good Trend: positive
Water Groundwater levels and spring discharge rates State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Water Groundwater temperature State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Water Low-flow events State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Water Nitrate in groundwater State: poor Trend: negative
Water Nutrients in watercourses State: medium Trend: unsatisfactory
Water Phosphorus concentration in lakes State: medium Trend: positive
Water Regionalisation of wastewater management State: impossible to evaluate Trend: positive
Water Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in groundwater State: poor Trend: positive
Water, Biodiversity Structure of watercourses State: poor Trend: impossible to evaluate
Water, Biodiversity,... Temperature of watercourses State: medium Trend: negative
Water, Climate Flood events State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Water, Climate Mean flow State: impossible to evaluate Trend: impossible to evaluate
Air Ammonia emissions
Air Emissions of carcinogenic substances
Air Feinstaub-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air Feinstaub-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Final consumption of fossil fuels
Air Heavy metal emissions
Air Nitrogen oxide emissions
Air Particulate matter emissions
Air Russ-Konzentration in µg/m³ (Jahresmittelwerte)
Air Stickoxid-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air Stickoxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Stickstoffdioxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13
Air Sulphur dioxide emissions
Air Volatile organic compounds emissions
Air, Biodiversity Übermässiger Stickstoffeintrag
Air, Biodiversity, C... Gross domestic product per capita
Air, Biodiversity, C... Road traffic
Air, Climate CO2-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Air, Climate Industrial production
Air, Ecosystem Goods... Agricultural production
Air, Noise Alpenquerender Strassengüterverkehr durch die Schweiz
Biodiversity Bestände der Huftieren
Biodiversity, Biotec... Anzahl verbotene invasive gebietsfremde Arten gemäss Verordnungen
Biodiversity, Climat... Stickstoff-Bilanz in der Landwirtschaft
Biodiversity, Ecosys... Berufsfischerei
Biodiversity, Ecosys... Pêche de loisir
Biotechnology Bewilligter Umgang mit gebietsfremden invasiven Arten in der Umwelt
Biotechnology Forschungsintensität Biotechnologie
Biotechnology Kantonale Inspektionen von Tätigkeiten gemäss Einschliessungsverordnung
Biotechnology Wirtschaftstätigkeit Biotechnologie
Chemicals Anzahl Betriebe, die PRTR unterliegen
Climate Auftauen des St. Moritzersees
Climate Blütezeit und Blattentfaltung
Climate Energiebezugsfläche
Climate Hitzetage
Climate Kompensation von CO2-Emissionen
Climate Pisten mit Beschneiungsanlagen
Climate Treibhausgasemissionen nach Gasen
Climate Treibhausgasemissionen nach Sektoren
Climate Treibhausgasemissionen pro Kopf
Climate Treibhausgas-Intensität
Climate Treibhausgas-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre
Climate Trockenperioden
Climate Tropennächte
Climate, Air, Biodiv... Energieverbrauch
Economy and Consumpt... Wasserstress-Fussabdruck
Electrosmog Gesamtstromverbrauch (ohne Eisenbahnen)
Electrosmog Hochspannungsleitungen der allgemeinen Stromversorgung
Electrosmog SIM-Karten Mobilfunk
Electrosmog Stromverbrauch der Eisenbahnen
Electrosmog Transformatorenstationen der allgemeinen Stromversorgung
Electrosmog Unterwerke der allgemeinen Stromversorgung
Forest and wood Importkontrolle von Holzverpackungen
Forest and wood Kronenverlichtung
Forest and wood Phytosanitäre Kontrolle in Baumschulen
Forest and wood Vielfalt von Artengemeinschaften im Wald
Forest and wood Waldbrände
Landscape, Climate Living space
Natural hazards Anzahl lokale Naturgefahrenberatende
Natural hazards Projekte mit Mehrleistungen
Noise Lärmemissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs
Noise Lärmemissionen Schienenverkehr
Noise Lärmschutz Schienenverkehr
Noise, Air Bestand Personenwagen
Noise, Climate Luftverkehr
Noise, Electrosmog Rail transport
Soils Bodennutzung
Soils Flächenverbrauch der Verkehrsinfrastruktur
Waste Auf Deponien abgelagerte Abfälle
Waste Bauabfälle
Waste Begleitscheine im Inland
Waste Energieproduktion aus Abfällen
Waste Exportierte Sonderabfälle
Waste Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr mit Abfällen
Waste Importierte Sonderabfälle
Waste In der Schweiz anfallende Sonderabfälle
Waste In Zementwerk entsorgte Abfallmenge
Waste Separat gesammelte Abfälle
Waste Zusammensetzung des Hauskehrichts
Waste, Economy and C... Population growth
Water Exportierte Stickstoff-Fracht
Water Hohe Seepegelstände
Water Wasserbilanz und Wasserspeicher
Water, Biodiversity,... Verkäufe von Pflanzenschutzmitteln
Water, Climate Schneemenge