Air |
Ammonia immissions |
063 |
068 |
Air |
Attitude towards air pollution |
065 |
066 |
Air |
Benzene immissions |
064 |
069 |
Air |
Costs of health impacts of air pollution |
063 |
069 |
Air |
Health problems caused by air pollution |
063 |
069 |
Air |
Knowledge about air pollution |
064 |
066 |
Air |
Nitrogen dioxide immissions |
065 |
069 |
Air |
Ozone immissions |
063 |
068 |
Air |
Particulate matter immissions |
064 |
069 |
Air |
Particulate matter immissions (PM2.5) in urban environment |
064 |
069 |
Air |
Subjective disturbance due to air pollution |
063 |
067 |
Air |
Sulphur dioxide immissions |
065 |
069 |
Biodiversity |
Areas designated for biodiversity |
063 |
068 |
Biodiversity |
Butterfly Index |
063 |
067 |
Biodiversity |
Diversity of species communities in meadows and pastures |
064 |
068 |
Biodiversity |
Invasive alien species |
063 |
067 |
Biodiversity |
Particularly valuable habitats |
063 |
067 |
Biodiversity |
Red lists |
063 |
068 |
Biodiversity |
Swiss Bird Index® |
064 |
069 |
Biodiversity |
Wildlife corridors |
063 |
068 |
Biodiversity, Landsc... |
Area reserved for promoting biodiversity |
063 |
069 |
Biodiversity, Landsc... |
Organically farmed area |
064 |
069 |
Biotechnology |
Activities in contained systems |
062 |
066 |
Biotechnology |
Experimental releases of genetically modified organisms |
062 |
066 |
Biotechnology |
Presence of genetically modified rapeseed in the environment |
062 |
066 |
Biotechnology |
Research investment in biotechnology |
062 |
066 |
Biotechnology |
Safety laboratories in biotechnology enterprises |
062 |
066 |
Chemicals |
Consumption of hydrofluorocarbons |
064 |
068 |
Chemicals |
Ozone layer above Switzerland |
064 |
068 |
Chemicals |
Release of benzene from facilities |
062 |
066 |
Chemicals |
Release of zinc from facilities |
062 |
066 |
Chemicals |
Transfer of AOX from facilities |
062 |
066 |
Climate |
Cattle population |
062 |
066 |
Climate |
CO2 Emissions from thermal and motor fuels |
064 |
068 |
Climate |
CO2 emissions of new cars |
063 |
068 |
Climate |
Energy efficiency of buildings |
063 |
069 |
Climate |
Glacier retreat |
062 |
067 |
Climate |
Heat-related deaths |
063 |
068 |
Climate, Biodiversit... |
Evolution of annual mean temperature |
062 |
067 |
Climate, Biodiversit... |
New renewable energy |
064 |
069 |
Climate, Chemicals |
Greenhouse gas emissions |
063 |
068 |
Climate, Landscape |
Greenhouse gas balance of land use |
064 |
066 |
Contaminated sites |
Contaminated sites |
065 |
068 |
Contaminated sites |
Status of remediation of contaminated sites |
064 |
068 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Biodiversity footprint |
063 |
067 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Ecology in the construction sector |
063 |
069 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Greenhouse gas footprint |
063 |
068 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Material footprint per capita |
063 |
068 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Total environmental impact of consumption |
063 |
068 |
Electrosmog |
Electricity transmission |
062 |
066 |
Electrosmog |
Feared health risks associated with mobile communications |
062 |
066 |
Electrosmog |
Mobile telecommunication installations |
062 |
066 |
Electrosmog |
Subjective pollution due to mobile phone antennas and power lines |
062 |
066 |
Electrosmog |
Volume of mobile telecommunications data |
062 |
066 |
Forest and wood |
Deforestation |
065 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Forest damage caused by European spruce bark beetle infestation |
064 |
067 |
Forest and wood |
Forest reserves |
065 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Mixed forest areas |
064 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Nitrogen input in the forest |
063 |
067 |
Forest and wood |
Occupational accidents and fatalities in forestry work |
064 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Raw wood prices |
062 |
066 |
Forest and wood |
Standing volume |
062 |
066 |
Forest and wood |
Structural diversity of the forest |
065 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Tree species composition |
065 |
069 |
Forest and wood |
Wood harvesting/net increment ratio |
064 |
069 |
Forest and wood, Bio... |
Deadwood |
064 |
069 |
Forest and wood, Eco... |
Economic performance of forestry operations |
063 |
067 |
Forest and wood, Eco... |
Economic performance of wood harvests |
063 |
067 |
Forest and wood, Eco... |
Recreation in the forest |
065 |
066 |
Forest and wood, Soi... |
Forest area |
065 |
069 |
Landscape |
Installation-free zones |
062 |
069 |
Landscape |
Perceived changes in the landscape |
064 |
066 |
Landscape |
Special quality of the landscape |
065 |
069 |
Landscape |
Urban greenery |
063 |
067 |
Landscape, Biodivers... |
Agricultural area |
063 |
067 |
Landscape, Biodivers... |
Fragmentation of landscapes |
063 |
067 |
Landscape, Biodivers... |
Light emissions |
063 |
067 |
Landscape, Biodivers... |
Sealed area |
063 |
067 |
Landscape, Biodivers... |
Urban sprawl |
063 |
068 |
Landscape, Ecosystem... |
Perceived beauty of the landscape |
065 |
069 |
Major Accidents |
Industrial plants with no potential for extensive damage |
064 |
069 |
Major Accidents |
Non-critical risks to persons and the environment related to the transport of hazardous goods |
064 |
068 |
Natural hazards |
Earthquake-specific building regulations for private buildings |
063 |
068 |
Natural hazards |
Fatalities caused by floods, debris flows, landslides, fall processes and avalanches |
065 |
069 |
Natural hazards |
Local information about seismic hazard |
064 |
068 |
Natural hazards, Cli... |
Damage caused by floods, debris flows, landslides and fall processes |
064 |
066 |
Natural hazards, Cli... |
Thawing of the permafrost |
062 |
067 |
Natural hazards, For... |
Maintained protective forest area |
065 |
069 |
Natural hazards, Wat... |
Public investment in protection against natural hazards in accordance with WBG and WaG |
065 |
069 |
Noise |
External noise-related costs |
063 |
067 |
Noise |
Noise impacts on health |
063 |
066 |
Noise |
Subjective noise pollution |
063 |
067 |
Noise |
Traffic noise pollution |
063 |
066 |
Soils |
Carbon content of agricultural soils |
062 |
066 |
Soils |
Copper and zinc pollution of agricultural soil |
064 |
067 |
Soils |
Lead contamination of soils |
065 |
069 |
Soils, Biodiversity,... |
Settlement and urban area |
062 |
067 |
Waste |
Energy efficiency during waste incineration processes |
065 |
069 |
Waste |
Hazardous wastes recovered |
065 |
069 |
Waste |
Waste incineration |
064 |
068 |
Waste, Economy and C... |
Municipal solid waste |
064 |
069 |
Waste, Economy and C... |
Recycling rate |
065 |
069 |
Water |
Bathing water quality |
065 |
069 |
Water |
Biological status of surface waters |
063 |
068 |
Water |
Connection rate to wastewater treatment plants |
065 |
069 |
Water |
Consumption of medicinal products |
062 |
067 |
Water |
Discharge forecasts |
065 |
069 |
Water |
Drinking water use |
065 |
069 |
Water |
Groundwater levels and spring discharge rates |
062 |
066 |
Water |
Groundwater temperature |
062 |
066 |
Water |
Low-flow events |
062 |
066 |
Water |
Nitrate in groundwater |
063 |
067 |
Water |
Nutrients in watercourses |
064 |
068 |
Water |
Phosphorus concentration in lakes |
064 |
069 |
Water |
Regionalisation of wastewater management |
062 |
069 |
Water |
Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons in groundwater |
063 |
069 |
Water, Biodiversity |
Structure of watercourses |
063 |
066 |
Water, Biodiversity,... |
Temperature of watercourses |
064 |
067 |
Water, Climate |
Flood events |
062 |
066 |
Water, Climate |
Mean flow |
062 |
066 |
Air |
Ammonia emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Emissions of carcinogenic substances |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Feinstaub-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Feinstaub-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13 |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Final consumption of fossil fuels |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Heavy metal emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Nitrogen oxide emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Particulate matter emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Russ-Konzentration in µg/m³ (Jahresmittelwerte) |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Stickoxid-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Stickoxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13 |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Stickstoffdioxid-Immissionen entlang der A2 & A13 |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Sulphur dioxide emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air |
Volatile organic compounds emissions |
000 |
000 |
Air, Biodiversity |
Übermässiger Stickstoffeintrag |
000 |
000 |
Air, Biodiversity, C... |
Gross domestic product per capita |
000 |
000 |
Air, Biodiversity, C... |
Road traffic |
000 |
000 |
Air, Climate |
CO2-Emissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs |
000 |
000 |
Air, Climate |
Industrial production |
000 |
000 |
Air, Ecosystem Goods... |
Agricultural production |
000 |
000 |
Air, Noise |
Alpenquerender Strassengüterverkehr durch die Schweiz |
000 |
000 |
Biodiversity |
Bestände der Huftieren |
000 |
000 |
Biodiversity, Biotec... |
Anzahl verbotene invasive gebietsfremde Arten gemäss Verordnungen |
000 |
000 |
Biodiversity, Climat... |
Stickstoff-Bilanz in der Landwirtschaft |
000 |
000 |
Biodiversity, Ecosys... |
Berufsfischerei |
000 |
000 |
Biodiversity, Ecosys... |
Pêche de loisir |
000 |
000 |
Biotechnology |
Bewilligter Umgang mit gebietsfremden invasiven Arten in der Umwelt |
000 |
000 |
Biotechnology |
Forschungsintensität Biotechnologie |
000 |
000 |
Biotechnology |
Kantonale Inspektionen von Tätigkeiten gemäss Einschliessungsverordnung |
000 |
000 |
Biotechnology |
Wirtschaftstätigkeit Biotechnologie |
000 |
000 |
Chemicals |
Anzahl Betriebe, die PRTR unterliegen |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Auftauen des St. Moritzersees |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Blütezeit und Blattentfaltung |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Energiebezugsfläche |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Hitzetage |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Kompensation von CO2-Emissionen |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Pisten mit Beschneiungsanlagen |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Treibhausgasemissionen nach Gasen |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Treibhausgasemissionen nach Sektoren |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Treibhausgasemissionen pro Kopf |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Treibhausgas-Intensität |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Treibhausgas-Konzentration in der Atmosphäre |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Trockenperioden |
000 |
000 |
Climate |
Tropennächte |
000 |
000 |
Climate, Air, Biodiv... |
Energieverbrauch |
000 |
000 |
Economy and Consumpt... |
Wasserstress-Fussabdruck |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
Gesamtstromverbrauch (ohne Eisenbahnen) |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
Hochspannungsleitungen der allgemeinen Stromversorgung |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
SIM-Karten Mobilfunk |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
Stromverbrauch der Eisenbahnen |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
Transformatorenstationen der allgemeinen Stromversorgung |
000 |
000 |
Electrosmog |
Unterwerke der allgemeinen Stromversorgung |
000 |
000 |
Forest and wood |
Importkontrolle von Holzverpackungen |
000 |
000 |
Forest and wood |
Kronenverlichtung |
000 |
000 |
Forest and wood |
Phytosanitäre Kontrolle in Baumschulen |
000 |
000 |
Forest and wood |
Vielfalt von Artengemeinschaften im Wald |
000 |
000 |
Forest and wood |
Waldbrände |
000 |
000 |
Landscape, Climate |
Living space |
000 |
000 |
Natural hazards |
Anzahl lokale Naturgefahrenberatende |
000 |
000 |
Natural hazards |
Projekte mit Mehrleistungen |
000 |
000 |
Noise |
Lärmemissionen des alpenquerenden Verkehrs |
000 |
000 |
Noise |
Lärmemissionen Schienenverkehr |
000 |
000 |
Noise |
Lärmschutz Schienenverkehr |
000 |
000 |
Noise, Air |
Bestand Personenwagen |
000 |
000 |
Noise, Climate |
Luftverkehr |
000 |
000 |
Noise, Electrosmog |
Rail transport |
000 |
000 |
Soils |
Bodennutzung |
000 |
000 |
Soils |
Flächenverbrauch der Verkehrsinfrastruktur |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Auf Deponien abgelagerte Abfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Bauabfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Begleitscheine im Inland |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Energieproduktion aus Abfällen |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Exportierte Sonderabfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Grenzüberschreitender Verkehr mit Abfällen |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Importierte Sonderabfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
In der Schweiz anfallende Sonderabfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
In Zementwerk entsorgte Abfallmenge |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Separat gesammelte Abfälle |
000 |
000 |
Waste |
Zusammensetzung des Hauskehrichts |
000 |
000 |
Waste, Economy and C... |
Population growth |
000 |
000 |
Water |
Exportierte Stickstoff-Fracht |
000 |
000 |
Water |
Hohe Seepegelstände |
000 |
000 |
Water |
Wasserbilanz und Wasserspeicher |
000 |
000 |
Water, Biodiversity,... |
Verkäufe von Pflanzenschutzmitteln |
000 |
000 |
Water, Climate |
Schneemenge |
000 |
000 |