La Svizzera si impegna attivamente per un regime climatico globale che garantisca una riduzione sufficiente dei gas serra e che sostenga i Paesi in via di sviluppo nell’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Le richieste sono una componente dei negoziati nell’ambito della Convenzione sul clima (UNFCCC): ogni parte contraente può esprimere la propria posizione e avanzare proposte in sede di processo negoziale.
EIG Submission on Loss & Damage (February 2017)
Switzerland’s views on common modalities, procedures and guidelines for the enhanced transparency framework for action and support (March 2017)
EIG Submission on the Review of the Functions of the Standing Committee on Finance (March 2017)
EIG Submission on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement (March 2017)
EIG’s Views on How to Progress Work after APA 1-3 (April 2017)
EIG Submission on Matters Relating to the Global Stocktake Referred to in Article 14 of the Paris Agreement (May 2017)
EIG’s Views on APA Agenda Items 3(b) and 3(c) (September 2017)
Switzerland’s Views on Features of Nationally Determined Contributions under Article 4 (September 2017)
EIG’s Views on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (September 2017)
EIG Submission on Art. 6 of the Paris Agreement (October 2017)
Ultima modifica 14.08.2018